Laser Therapy
The Principle of Photobiomodulation (low-level laser therapy, cold laser therapy or red light therapy)
In body tissues and cells, certain molecules known as chromophores can transform photon energy into biochemical reactions, enhancing oriented cellular metabolism. Examples of chromophores include cytochrome c oxidase in mitochondria, vitamin A, and hemoglobin.
Effects Obtained with Photobiomodulation
The transmission of pain in the nervous system involves five steps. Photobiomodulation intervenes in three of these steps: modulation, transmission, and transduction.
a) Biological effects similar to those of anti-inflammatory drugs.
b) Direct action on mediators of inflammation and inflammatory cells.
c) Induction of vasodilation.
Healing and Repair
Photobiomodulation promotes cell proliferation in bone, cartilage, skin, and tendons. Over an injured tendon, it decreases inflammation, increases angiogenesis, and enhances fibroblast activity and collagen production. Consequently, it contributes to a faster recovery time, resulting in tendon fibers that are stronger and more elastic.
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